I had to deal with a particularly difficult set of parents today (Mr & Mrs X) who asked to meet with me as they were anxious & angry that their daughter had been prescribed glasses when 'there's nuffink wrong wiv her eyes'. Having already spoken to Mrs X on the phone yesterday I knew it was likely to be a very unpleasant encounter. The natural reaction is to be defensive & there is a temptation to concentrate on justifying what treatment has been given, rather than really answering the parents' concerns (however daft/unreasonable their concerns may appear).
Anyhoo, it occured to me that, if Jesus had been an Orthoptist, he would have been the best one ever and would know exactly how to handle these angry, difficult people. I have to admit I had never thought of Jesus in an NHS uniform before but it helped me to pray that I would say what He would have said and handle the situation as he would have done. In all my years of handling this sort of issue I'd never quite thought of it like that before. In the end it all went swimmingly.. although it started off with Mrs X nearly exploding with anger and walking out. By the end we were all best of friends and they were reassured and happy about their daughter's eye condition. It reminded me that, if I include God in what I'm doing, I can be part of the body of Jesus even when doing such seemingly unspiritual things as working for the NHS.