Monday, January 01, 2007

It's been a while.............

as the last month has been rather hectic; but I thought it was about time to get back with the 'in-crowd' and post again!
We bloggers love lists, and I wondered if anyone had a top 3 highlights of the festive season that they wanted to share?
I'll start the ball rolling:

1) Having a new camera as a Christmas present from Davie which was a complete surprise; it was particularly welcome as my old camera had started to go haywire in Brazil, which was very upsetting after having gone all that way & not able to us the camera properly, and then it completely packed up in Malta (perhaps I shouldn't have taken it 30m under the water??!)haven't had much chance to use it yet, except on the cats (see below)!
But we're going to London for a few days next week so I shall be like a real tourist, snapping everything in site.

2) Having a wonderful roast venison Christmas dinner - absolutely delicious & all
pink in the middle.

3) Hearing the wonderful story in the Christmas morning service which included my new hero, Chamberlin the camel. Thsi was the only picture I could find; I really wanted the one of him cupping his hooves behind his ear to listen.


Amy and Amiability said...

Ooh Shelagh I've got that book! I'll lend it to you!

Highlights of my Christmas...
1)Seeing Mum, Dad Robin and Abi
2)Surviving hideous, blind date type thing organised without my knowledge by my Grandma on Boxing day
3)Getting back to Lichfield and sleeping in my own bed - aaah!

Amy and Amiability said...

Ooh and I'll have to do

4) having my Nan out of hospital and seeing her being like a new woman on Christmas day!

The Random One said...

Chamberlain is a true hero, Amy can I borrow the book after Shelagh?

I hope you planted a Venison-tree for Robbie & Rudolf to make up for the meal you ate!

Anonymous said...

Love the pics! How cool to get a new camera!
My Christmas list:
1. Spending time with my family, being spoilt and looked after, spending time with my sis, sharing her sense of humour!!
2. Spending time with friends, having time to chat and catch up as when everyone is working it's much harder to do!
3. Playing lots of the traditional Christmas games!

Teapot said...

1) Over 30 people round on Saturday 23rd in the evening. Great to see them all.
2)Actually managing to have a halfway decent Christmas Day, beginning with friends in Oz phoning us.
3) RSC Stratford on 2nd Jan to see Judy Dench and Simon Callow in "The Merry Wives of Windsor"

JollyGreenGiant1982 said...

Good to have you back! Missed you blogs!
My highlights of christmas are probably:
1)Boxing Day football, 35+ men playing footie at 10am is quality and me and baddog managed to defend well
2) Playing family fortunes with the "ur urrrrr" button, its top!
3) Spending time with family and friends, something i dont do alot of cus of me work, oh and sleeping lots!

speak soon sherarrrrrrrrrrr!